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Ayaan Foundation | Scholarships & Educational Support
  • Eye camps
  • Free with the help of Sankara Nethralaya Eye Hospital in Tambaram area, an eye treatment camp was conducted, and 10 people with visual impairment were given eye examination and spectacles and eye surgery.

    Benefits: Eye camp plays a vital role in reaching the untreated poor blind people in rural areas. The main objective of the camp is to create awareness among the people which leads to intervention to clear the backlog of avoidable blindness.

  • Awareness events: Dengue/TB and other diseases
  • Dengue and TB awareness will be provided to the people with the help of volunteers.

    Benefits: Primary prevention is the most effective measure in dengue prevention and control. The objectives were (i) to determine the level of knowledge and practice of dengue control amongst the study community, and (ii) to explore the factors affecting the practice of dengue control in the study area.

  • Free Family Counseling
  • Counseling is provided by psychologists to students, their families, teachers, and those in need of stress counseling.

    Benefits: Family therapy provides various benefits, including improving communication skills, treating mental health concerns impacting the family unit, and fostering collaboration among family members.

    Hygienic and cleanliness program in schools - Vellore (NYK-SWATCH BARATH)

  • Health Care awareness was provided to students with the permission of the CEO.
  • The authors say that there are wide-ranging economic benefits associated with increased household toilet coverage and use, including health gains, reduced access time, improved environment cleanliness, increased property value, reduced water pollution, value of recycling energy and nutrients, and personal dignity.

"We Rise By Lifting Others " #One Lakh Cash given to Apollo hospital for Heart surgery #August 14, 2k17

Eyecamp 2k17 at Kanchipuram district on October 6, 2k17